Viorel BOSTAN, Prof., Doctor habilitate, Rector of Technical University of Moldova, President of Symposium CTM 2017
- Petru TODOS, Prof. Ph. D., Technical University of Moldova
- Valentina BULGARU, assoc. prof. Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Textiles and Poligraphy, TUM
- Marcela IROVAN, assoc. prof. Ph. D., Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial
- Constantin SPÎNU, assoc. prof. Ph. D., head of department Visual Arts of the Center “Art Studies”, Institute of Cultures Patrimony, Academy of Sciences, Moldova
- Tudor STAVILĂ, PhD., Director of Center “Art Studies” Institute of Cultures Patrimony, Academy of Sciences, Moldova
- Velkova ROSSIŢA, Prof. Doctor habilite, Coordinator of the InPEQ Forum International Relations, Bulgary
- Carmen LOGHIN, Prof. Ph. D., Vice-rector of Scientific Research and Innovation,“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania
- Mariana URSACHE, Prof. Ph. D., Dean of Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania
- Daniela FĂRÂMĂ, assoc. prof. Ph. D., Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania
- Aura MIHAI, prof. Ph.D., Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania
- Carmen GHIŢULEASA, Ph.D., Director of National Research & Development Institute for Textiles and Leather, Bucharest, Romania
- Marina KOLOSNICENKO, prof., dr. habilitate, Dean of Faculty of Design, Kyiv
- Kalina PASHKEVICH, Prof. Dr. Sc., Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine
- Evghenii SURZHENKO, Prof. Dr.Sc., Director of Institute of Fashion & Textile, Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, Russia
- Natalia KALASHNIKOVA, Prof. Dr.Sc., Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, Russian Ethnography Museum, Russia
- Havenko SVETLANA, Prof. Doctor habilite, Printing Academy , Lviv, Ukraine
- Balan STELA, assoc. prof. Ph. D., head of depart. DAMQA , TUM
- Sugac OLGA, assoc. prof. Ph. D., head of depart. DV, FTP, UTM
- Scripcenco ANGELA, assoc. prof. Ph. D., FTP, TUM
- Malcoci MARINA, assoc. prof. Ph. D., Faculty of Textiles and Polygraphy, Chisinau
- Cazac VIORICA, assoc. prof. Ph. D., head of depart. DTP, FTP, TUM